Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Update on Fact Finding

Here a link to the tentative agreement. It will open a pdf in a new window:

Click here:  Tentative Agreement


The fact-finding hearing between the Association and the District on December 7th was very positive and productive.  Some issues were resolved, and some are still being discussed.

In fact-finding, a panel of three--one neutral party appointed by the state, one appointed by the Association and one appointed by the District - hear the parties's positions and their rationale for taking those positions.  During the hearing, each team presented a binder full of information.

The District presented its position that it may legally differentiate the employment rights of people who do the same job for the same employer and that giving regular employment rights to all of the Orcutt Academy teachers would cause financial hardship on the District.  The Association disagrees with those positions.

The Orcutt Educators Association presented evidence that the OUSD has spent little or nothing on employee discipline or dismissal since 2006.  We also found that there is not one District employer charter in California that differentiates the employment rights as the District has proposed.  Basically, this tells us that equal rights is the clear "industry standard".  We also presented evidence that the District's current position, as we understand it, creates a confusing mish-mash of rights, and that the current uncertainty regarding the rights of some employees is a greater threat to the District than giving equal rights to all.

The actual Tentative Agreement signed by both parties is posted.  A quick highlight is:  1. A tentative agreement that the OEA transfer language would apply to all Bargaining Unit Members, 2. A tentative agreement that all Bargaining Unit Members would have Education Code rights and process for layoff and recall, although Orcutt Academy and non-Orcutt Academy members will be on separate seniority lists, 3. An agreement to form a Joint "Super Committee" to continue discussing the issues of discipline and dismissal rights for members who work at Orcutt Academy.  Please see the actual Tentative Agreement for specific details, or feel free to contact me with further questions.

The Association is very pleased with the result of the fact-finding so far, and we look forward to this additional opportunity to resolve these issues with the District.  Thank you for your support and have a wonderful Winter Break!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Election Support


As you know the election is coming close upon us.  Please remember to get out the word that we are recommending Yes on Prop. 30 and No on Prop. 32!  We also would like to support Liz Phillips during this last week of campaigning.  We have 2 events that OEA needs your help with:

1.  On Saturday (Nov. 3) and Sunday (Nov. 4) we working to get teams of 4 to stand and hold a Liz Phillips sign on the corners of Clark and Bradley.  We would like to run 1 hour shifts starting at 9 am.  Please let your OEA Site Rep. know if you are willing to give an hour of your time to support Liz Phillips.

2.  On Monday, November 5th we will be passing our flyers again after school.  Please note that you cannot be in the parking lot or on campus.  Your OEA Site Rep. will have all flyers and signs to use for this event.

Please let your site rep. know how you can help or you can always contact me for details.  I thank you in advance for all your support!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

OUSD Board Votes for Exclusive High School

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

So the poem goes. Or in education parlance, give me your sub-groups, your minorities, your socioeconomically disadvantaged.  This was the spirit of Orcutt Academy at its conception; if you believed and had the will, you were welcome.  That’s been the narrative for the past five years—largely a true one—until now. The Orcutt school board’s recent decision to exclude outlying communities from its high school has demonstrated the board’s disregard for those who put their faith in OAHS, believed in its promise, and built it into the success we see today.   

Orcutt Union School District is a K-8 district.  They wanted a high school of their own, but the challenges of building a high school exclusively for Orcutt residents were nearly insurmountable.  A solution presented itself in the form of a dependent charter high school.  Dependent, because OUSD wanted to control it; charter, because they needed students from beyond the Orcutt boundary to attend it.  But it was a risk.  It required the bravery and bold faith of a small group of visionaries who would walk away from St. Joe’s, Righetti, Santa Maria, and other local high schools and take a chance on OAHS.  The Orcutt community alone did not have so many brave souls. Thankfully, since anyone in California could attend, enrollment was achieved by relying on the courage of families from Santa Maria, Guadalupe, Los Alamos, Lompoc, and Vandenberg.  Like America itself, the bond that held OAHS together was ideology, not race, religion, or region.  And it flourished.  In fact, it did so well, that those who once lacked conviction were given the courage to send their kids to OAHS based on its growing reputation and continued success.  Whereas in the beginning filling seats was difficult, today it is necessary to hold a lottery for enrollment.  Or, rather, it was until the school board decided to abandon those outlying communities—those sub-groups—who not only gave the school its diversity and fulfilled its promise, but who helped to build it in the first place.  Once they were used for their purpose, they were discarded.  They will have to return to yearning to be free because four board members decided OAHS is no longer for them.

The Orcutt Academy’s mission statement includes the promotion of “intercultural understanding” and its Single School Plan reminds us that “because the charter accommodates students who live outside of the Orcutt community, the school enjoys a greater ethnic diversity than that of the community of Orcutt.”  While the school may enjoy its ethnic diversity, not all board members do.  As one of them said publicly at the last board meeting, “People live in a community to either have diversity or to not have diversity, that’s why they live there.”  Sadly, in a modern example of taxation without representation, the communities who are affected by this decision have no recourse; they don’t vote in Orcutt elections.  The wall of the board room where this vote took place announces that in Orcutt “kids come first.”  If some members of the board would rather protect votes than kids, then I suggest they revise that statement.  In the board room, maybe votes come first, but in the classroom, kids still do.  As teachers at Orcutt Academy, it is our responsibility to protect our kids and our school, and that means representing the communities from which they come, and representing those who have no voice.  It means putting our kids first.  All of our kids.

Orcutt Academy High School Teachers:  Scott Gelotti, Vickie Gill, Ricardo Gabaldon , Patti Garcia, Jenny Hubbard, and Jan Brown.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OEA Needs Your Help

YES on 30, NO on 32, LIZ PHILLIPS for OUSD School Board
  1. Thursday, October 18th your Site Rep. will have flyers to pass out afterschool across the street. 
  2. Saturday, October 20th Precinct Walking (LUNCH PROVIDED) 11:00-4:00 PM.  Please meet at the CTA office (2325 Skyway Dr. Suite A).  Please email or call Monique L. Segura   (mseguraoea@yahoo.com/714-9861) so she can make sure there is enough food for all participants.
  3. Monday, November 5th your Site Rep. will have flyers to pass out after school across the street.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pre-Election Festival

Just in case you need one more reason to come out and walk precincts, the North County Coalition is hosting a “Pre-election festival” on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. (see link below). There will be speakers on 32 and 30, a raffle, food and a bounce house for the kids.

Click here for the flyer with more information.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Contract, Endoresements, Resolving Issues, More...


I hope all is well as many of us begin our week of Parent Conferences.  Please review the following updates:

1.  As a reminder your 2% one time increase will be in your September 28th pay check...it will be in a lump sum payment.

2.  We have not ratified our contract, but we have voted to implement the Tentative Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings that your negotiating team has resolved.  We are going to Fact Finding on:  The rights of Unit Members at the OAK-8 program to transfer to positions in the non-charter sites and The rights of Unit Members at the Charter sites in cases of lay-off, discipline, and dismissal.

3.  Thank you to Cindy Maloney, Anita Perales, Michael Taubenheim, and Lisa Wilkanoski for being on the Interview Panel for OEA's School Board Endorsement.  The Interview Team presented their recommendation to OEA's Rep. Council and both the Interview Team and Rep. Council agreed to endorse Liz Phillips for OUSD School Board.  Your site reps. have copies of the interview questions and the responses submitted by the four candidates that responded to our interview invitation and are happy to share this with you.  The teachers in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District are asking residents to vote for Linda Cordero, Helen Galvan, and John Hollinshead for School Board.  The teachers in the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District are asking residents to vote for Diana Perez and Victor Tognazzini.

4.  Liz Phillips is looking for help to pass out flyers at the following functions:  OCAF Arts Festival on Saturday, Sept. 29th from 10 am- Noon and Albertsons in Orcutt on Sunday, Sept. 30th from 8-11 am.  Please email me (meseguraoea@yahoo.com) if you are able to help on these 2 days...also if you would like flyers to pass out on your own I can get some for you next week.  There will be many more opportunities to help with her campaign...I will have sign up sheets at our lunch site visits.

5.  Andy Watson, a teacher from the Santa Maria-Bonita School District on special assignment with CTA,  will be joining me on lunch time site visits to talk about Proposition 30 (yes) and Proposition 32 (no) and any other questions and/or concerns you would like to share with me.

6.  I have just received the CTA pocket calendars and will be delivering them to your Site Rep. this week for distribution.

7.  Please see your OEA Site Rep. to sign up to attend a School Board this year (Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 13, April 10, May 8).  Your OEA Rep. Council sees great value in having teachers at board meetings.  In October we wanted to share our concerns with Class Size in the OUSD.

8.  Last year Bob and I started meeting once a month with Jan Y. (Human Resources) and Steve Blackie (Grievance Chair) to try to resolve issues before they get to the grievance stage.  Please let me or your site rep. know if you have any concerns that you would like to have brought up at these Labor Management Council (LMC) meetings.  The dates for our meetings are posted on this website along with Rep. Council meetings, Team OEA, and OEA Scholarship forms.

9.  This Friday OEA is sponsoring a TGIF at Orcutt Brew from 4-7 pm.  You are on your own for beverages, but OEA will purchase appetizers.

As always I am available to answer questions, listen to concerns, and help in any way that I can!

Monique L. Segura
Orcutt Educators Associaiton, President

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tentative Agreement


Thank you for your patience as your negotiating team has been working to get the following information out to all of you.  Below you will see the actual Tentative Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings that we are asking you to vote on Tuesday, Sept. 11th at the General Membership Meeting.  We will be going over a "Master MOU" so that we can implement the tentative agreements that have been made.  Please join us on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 at 4 pm in the OAHS Multi-Use Room to review the "Master MOU", answer questions, and vote.  I thank you in advance for your support!

Click here for Tentative Agreement Articles (a pdf will open in a new window).

Monique L. Segura
Orcutt Educators Association, President

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Progress - On to Fact Finding


On Tuesday, May 29th your negotiating team met with the administration before mediation.  In that meeting we were able to agree to a tentative agreement on Article IX, Working Days and Hours.  Bob Bush and I also signed the MOU for Transitional Kindergarten Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers to receive up to two (2) compensatory days for TK and K Interviews.

Unfortunately, we did not make any progress in mediation and are moving on to Fact Finding.  Fact Finding is the next step in resolving impasse.  In fact finding, a three-member panel is appointed with one member appointed by the OEA, one by the District, and a neutral chairperson appointed by PERB (Public Employees Relation Board).  Each side presents its arguments like a case before the three-member panel, then those three meet behind closed doors to generate a report, which is written by the neutral chairperson.

That neutral report, with a recommended fair settlement, is submitted to the School Board.  The School Board may accept that report and the settlement becomes the new agreement, OR the School Board may reject that report and impose its last, best, and final offer OR the School Board may do some combination of the two.  At this point, the OEA would be free to take additional collective action against the District.  It is also important to note that, at any time during the process, the parties may decide to come to an agreement on any or all of the issues in dispute.

The issues that are still in dispute are:  Article I/XVII (Employment Rights of All Bargaining Unit Members), Article V (Transfer and Reassignment), Article VIII (Class Size), and Article X (Compensation).  To find more information on our proposals and the districts responses please scroll down on this website.  Your negotiating team will be meeting on Thursday (June 14th) afternoon to review Fact Finding details and we will continue to meet as necessary this summer.  Please continue to keep yourself informed about this process by checking this website periodically during the summer months.

I wish you all a restful break!


Monique L. Segura
OEA President

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday Night Flyers - Need Your Help


The inserted letter from our OEA 2nd Vice President, Pat Brickey, sums up the feeling of our Mediation on Tuesday, May 29th.  Please note that we have not yet been released from mediation, but are waiting to hear from our mediator after the Administration speaks with the School Board.  Your OEA leadership team feels as though we are ready to more forward with our plan of action.  Therefore, we will be passing out flyers at both Patterson and Nightingale tomorrow (Thursday, May 31st) night.  Please join us from 6:15-7 pm at either site.  Don Robertson will have materials to pass out at Nightingale and Anna Zucker will have materials to pass our at Patterson.  Please remember that you cannot pass out flyers at the site which you work.  We do need your support in making a fair contract that we can all be proud of!

"Yesterday was truly an astonishing day for me as part of the Negotiations Team.  My faith in the district administration has been shaken to its core.  I do not have any trust left.  While I wish I could go into all of the specifics, I believe I could get fired if I did so.  There is a strict confidentiality clause that has been placed into effect by the state's mediator.

Needless to say, our union is only as strong as the members who are willing to stand up and fight for what they know is right.  Hopefully, all of you will take that matter with grave importance.  It will affect the future of all of us including our families.

We will keep you as informed as we can by law; be prepared to protect what you and your predecessors have earned through the years by the bargaining process.

With utmost respect,

Pat Brickey"

I hope you can be there tomorrow night to support your union!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Second Meeting with Bob Bush


On Thursday, May 3rd Pat Brickey, Don Robertson and I met with Bob Bush and Don Nicholson.  We are working towards tenative agreements on a few articles before going to mediation.  The good news is that we are communicating nicely and are meeting again on Tuesday, May 8th.  We will continue to keep you posted on the status of our meetings.  At this time your executive board and negotiating team WILL NOT be organizing picketing at district Open Houses.  We are in the process of putting together an informational flyer for parents and would like to simply pass out flyers at Open Houses as needed.  Your OEA leadership has a fluid plan in place, and is happy to back down when necessary.  Please know that we are working hard to get a fair contract in place for all of our members.

Please join your OEA leadership at the School Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 9th from 6-6:30 pm.  We would appreciate your support!

OEA End of the Year Party is scheduled for Friday, June 1st at 4pm-? at the Foxenwood Clubhouse.  Please mark your calendars as we celebrate our retirees!

Mahalo and have an outstanding weekend!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meeting with Bob Bush


On Thursday, April 26th Pat Brickey and I  met with Bob Bush and Don Nicholson.  Communication was very positive and it is hopeful that we will be able to work through a few issues before going to mediation.  Your Executive Board and Negotiating Team will be meeting on Tuesday, May 1st to review our position.  Then on Thursday, May 3rd Pat Brickey and I will meet with Bob Bush and Don Nicholson again to see if we can work on a few issues.

Please know that in light of our positive meeting on April 26th OEA DID NOT picket and/or pass out flyers to parents at the Alice Shaw School Open House.  We will keep you posted on any progress that is being made and we appreciate your support!




Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Picket Open Houses


On Tuesday, April 24th your OEA Executive Board and your OEA Negotiating Team met to discuss our next steps in terms of putting pressure on the OUSD Board of Trustees now that we are at impasse.  The bottom line is we need your support!

I will be attending all of the OEA lunches to answer questions and hear about your ideas and/or concerns, but your OEA leadership does have a plan of action in place and we hope that we can count on all of you to join us in some capacity.
On Tuesday, May 1st we will be meeting at the CTA office (2325 Skyway Dr.) anytime between 3pm-5pm to make posters for picketing and passing out flyers at Open House Nights.

We need as many members as possible at the School Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 9th from 6pm-6:30pm.  Please meet in the District Office Parking Lot at 6 pm for details.

The district Open House Schedule is:
April 26th – Alice Shaw (6:15-7 pm)
May 16th – OAHS
May 22nd – OAK-8
May 23rd - LJHS/OJHS
May 24th – Olga Reed/Pine Grove
May 31st – Nightingale/Patterson
June 7th – Dunlap

Please note that you cannot picket and/or pass out flyers at the site which you work.  I will have specific times listed as we get closer.  Alice Shaw’s Open House is fast approaching please email (mseguraoea@yahoo.com) or call (714-9861) if you are able to assist us this Thursday!  We need you from 6:15-7 pm.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Declared Impasse


On April 19th your negotiations team met with the district.  We were anxiously awaiting responses from the district on 5 proposals.  We received a partial proposal to one article and the district responded that they had no other responses for us.  At that point we knew it did not make sense to bargain against ourselves.  Therefore, OEA and the district jointly declared impasse. Your Negotiations Team has put together a status report for the Orcutt Educators' Association.  As always please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.

OEA Outstanding Bargaining Issues
Article I/XVII (Employment Rights of All Bargaining Unit Members)
Our position:
(Article I – Designation of Parties and Agreement)All Bargaining Unit Members should have the same rights regarding discipline, dismissal, lay-off and recall. The Association is willing to negotiate language that allows the Charter portion of the District to operate in a way that preserves the unique nature of the program, and yet it cannot accept a system in which employees doing the same job next door to each other have drastically different employment rights.
The District position:
(Article XVII[new] – Discipline/Lay-off for Charter Teachers) Except for teachers who transfer from the regular district schools, which the District proposed to allow to have full rights in perpetuity, Charter teachers would have no discipline, dismissal or lay-off rights as found in the Education Code. The District, by majority vote of the school board, would be able to discipline or fire any charter teacher in any year for any reason the school board finds acceptable. Charter teachers, if they are laid off, should have no guaranteed right to future employment if it becomes available, unless the individual was a teacher in a non-charter school previously. Charter teachers, during their first two years of employment, could be summarily fired “at any time with or without cause.”

Article V (Transfer and Reassignment)
Our position:
“All transfers and reassignments within the Charter School shall be at the discretion of the Charter School administration.” We would allow the District to control positions at the Charter school, the only real difference between our positions is that the Association proposal would have allowed K-8 Charter teachers to transfer into open K-8 positions in the non-Charter schools, with the same rights as other K-8 teachers. Once a seniority date is established, that date would stay with the member in either a Charter or non-Charter assignment. The Association has agreed to allow the District to treat the Charter and non-Charter teachers as if they were on two seniority lists.
The District position:
None of the current transfer and reassignment language would apply to Charter teachers.

Article VIII (Class Size)
Our position:
Class size should be limited to 29 students, including Special Education caseloads. If the District goes above 29, the District has the option to hire more teachers to reduce class size or to compensate those teachers who have larger class size. Class size in P.E. classes would be limited to 50. Speech specialists would have their caseloads limited to SELPA standards. Teachers of combination classes would receive a stipend. Teachers of inclusion or special education students in a regular class would receive a stipend. All K-6 teachers (and all teachers at K-8 schools) including special education teachers and speech therapists would receive a full-day release for each grading period and the equivalent of an hour a week of preparation time (as is provided currently for grade 4-6 teachers).
The District position:
If class size reaches 33, the teacher may choose between two hours a week of assistance or a stipend. They would eliminate the full-day release per grading period and the hour-a-week equivalent of preparation time for all teachers. The also proposed, “It is the goal of the Charter High School to maintain class sizes which will be conducive to attracting students and which are smaller than other area public high schools.”

Article IX (Working Days and Hours)
Our position:
Continue the practice of allowing Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers to use two of their work days to interview and place students before the school year begins. Teachers at the 7-12 levels who substitute during their planning time would be compensated at $30 per hour and they can be trusted to complete the planning they missed at their discretion. Any extra duties authorized by the District would be compensated at $45 per hour.
The District position:
The practice of interviewing Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students before the year begins would not be guaranteed. If it were authorized by the District, the teachers would be paid at below their regular rate. (The Association position – which has been in practice for more than 20 years -- actually costs less than the District position.) Teachers at the 7-12 levels who substitute during their planning time would be compensated at $30 per hour and they would be required to remain on campus for an additional hour after school. Any extra duties would be compensated at $30 per hour.
Article X (Compensation)
Our position:
Total Unrestricted Fund Balance (Funds 1 and 17) are funds that the District can use for any purpose. As you can see in the chart below, according to the District’s annual year-end reporting to the state, the Orcutt Union School District has ended each year since 2006-07 with more money in the bank, despite all of the financial troubles experienced here in California. That figure of $6.19 million was equal to more than 20 percent of the District’s total spending in 2010-11. It should also be noted that the District will see its Base Revenue Limit increased by an additional $144 per student next year due to the addition of Olga Reed Elementary School to the District.

The Association proposed that the District use some of that savings to provide teachers with a modest compensation increase, justified by the increased burden they have suffered due to increasing class sizes and the burdens placed on them by other cuts, and to continue the practice of splitting increases in the cost of health and welfare benefits. The Association also proposed language that would tie future increases in pay to increased funding from the State of California.
The District position:
No increase in salary and a continuation of the split in health and welfare cost increases only if the Association agreed to a cap on future health and welfare costs to the District. At the bargaining table on April 19th, the District’s attorney said the offer was worth $400,000, which we believe is a gross overstatement. On its website later that day, that figure had grown to $900,000. We look forward to hearing the District’s justification of this number.

Early Retirement Incentive:
Our position:
The Association proposed an early retirement incentive like those used by many nearby districts to reduce their long-term expenses.
The District position:
The District refused to propose any early retirement incentive.




Monday, March 26, 2012

Negotiations Update

On March 20, 2012, the district posted its latest Negotiations Update.  Upon further analysis, additional information must be brought forth concerning their statements.
District:  The district is proposing that instead of using Education Code language for dismissal, which makes it difficult to remove underperforming teachers because the process involves months of legal wrangling by the principal, the school board, the union, and the courts, the Academy educators be given the same due process procedures that most professional organizations have, including doctors, nurses, firefighters, etc.  This may not be equal to Education Code that the Orcutt educators presently have, but it is fair and it is right for children.
Clarification:  When firefighters, etc. go through their process, the final determination concerning termination comes from an impartial public board.  What our school board conveniently leaves out of this proposal is that they will be able to reject the final decision of the impartial board and three (a majority) of them can make their own, final decision to terminate.
District:  Charter schools are funded differently with a separate pot of money.
Clarification:  The state considers us one district, sends us one check, and then the charter must pay the district back for rent and other supplies.  According to Mr. Bush, this rent is currently $500,000 and will rise to $1,000,000 very soon.
District:  Charter schools are schools of choice.  In other words, they have to compete for students.
Clarification:  This is true but incomplete.  Part of an Academy’s teacher’s job is to recruit students.  In fact, the Academy’s Charter even states that the teachers are expected to recruit students from within the OUSD itself!  The school board also made the decision to discriminate against children by only allowing those with a 2.0 g. p. a. to become students at the charter high school.
District:  Charter Schools have to adhere to what is written in their charter and five-year plan.
Clarification:  True but incomplete.  The Board can call a meeting after proper notice and change the charter and five year plan whenever they want.  This has already taken place evidenced by the elimination of the International Baccalaureate program.
District:  Charter teachers have the same pay schedule, benefits, and belong to the same union.
Clarification:  This did not officially become part of the contract until the PERB board ruled twice in favor of OEA’s position and against the school board.

Negotiations Update


I just wanted to thank all of you who came out last Wednesday and supported "Equal Employment Rights For all Teachers".  We had a great turnout with a positive message!  Please keep sending letters and emails to your School Board Members.

OEA has approved a $1000 Scholarship for a graduating Senior at the Orcutt Academy High School this year.  We are also looking to add another Scholarship for a graduating Senior who is a dependent of an OEA member for next year.  Thank you for the input I received from our members on this issue.

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 3rd.  We are still working on Class Size, Working Days and Hours, and Compensation.  We have already made Tentative Agreements regarding Term, Sabbatical Leave, Compensation (Coverage of 2011-2012 Premium Increases for health, vision and dental benefits only), Organizational Rights, Peer Assistance and Review (PAR), Safety, and Completion of Meet and Negotiate.  Please see OEA's responses to "The update for the Orcutt community on the District's proposal regarding Dismissal Rights for Charter Teachers".


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Negotiations Update

Please review the following updates from you OEA Executive Board:

1.  On Monday, March 12, 2012 your negotiating team will be back at the table.  We have been able to make Tenative Agreements on a few items.  We are still working hard on Class Size, Compensation, and Employment Equality for all members.

2.  Please join our Poster Crew on Tuesday, March 13th at the CTA office (2325 Skyway Dr.)  We will be preparing for the Wednesday, March 14th School Board Meeting.

3.  Please join us in the parking lot of the District Office on Wednesday, March 14th at 5:45 pm.  Please wear your "Equity Now" buttons and your "We Are One" t-shirts and buttons if you still have them.  I will have the posters from our poster crew if you would like to have one.  We are very fortunate to have the support of our neighboring districts.

4.  We would like to explain the Employment Equality Issue:
            a.  The state Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) agreed in June 2011 that charter teachers would automatically become members of OEA.  Because Orcutt Academy is a charter school OEA has to negotiate their Employment Rights.
            b.  Non-Charter School employees are protected by Ed. Code in terms of discipline, dismissal, rehire, and Reduction In Force...OEA feels as though all teachers in the Orcutt Union School District should enjoy these same Ed. Code rights.
            c.  There are 5 other districts in the State of California like Orcutt that have started a K-12 Charter and they have allowed all members to have the same Employment Rights...even the model Orcutt used for their Charter (Lennox) allows all of their teachers to enjoy the same Employment Rights.

5.  How does the Employment Equality Issue affect all Teachers:
            a.  Right now there are teachers that are on leave from the district, but they are actually working in the district at the charter school.  Having teachers on leave causes temporary teachers to be unable to gain permanency.
            b.  There are district transfers (with Ed. Code Protection) working next door to direct charter hires (without Ed. Code Protection) at Orcutt Academy High School.  This is discriminating against one group of teachers and may not be conducive to a healthy working environment if this gets challenged.
            c.  The K-8 Charter School competes for students not only from surrounding districts, but from our very own district.  The School Site Plan at OAK-8 says they would like to see the K-8 grow.  It is important to note that there is a waiting list of approximately 150 students at OAK-8.  What is stopping the district from growing the K-8 charter at a site with empty classrooms.  This would decline the districts' regular enrollment and increase the charter enrollment.  
            d.  A decline in the regular enrollment would mean pink slips for teachers.  An increase in the charter enrollment would mean hiring more charter school teachers, which may or may not be from the pool of pink slipped teachers (it depends on an interview process).  Now look 10 years down the road if this trend continues in our district...especially if we do not all have the same Employment Rights. This is something all teachers should be concerned about!

Please feel free to contact OEA with any questions and/or concerns!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Negotiations Update

The Orcutt Educators Association is asking for Equal Employment Rights for Equal Work!  Why should Orcutt Academy Charter teachers be treated any different then Teachers at other Orcutt Schools.  We teach equality in our classrooms, we believe the School Board should provide equality to our Charter Teachers!  Please contact the Orcutt Union School Board Members to voice your concerns:

Rob Buchanan at rbuchanan@orcutt-schools.net
Robert Hatch at rhatch@orcutt-schools.net
Kathy Meissner at kmeissner@orcutt-schools.net
James Peterson at jpeterson@orcutt-schools.net
Jan Zilli at jzilli@orcutt-schools.net

We invite you to come and learn about the Orcutt Union School District’s plans to keep Orcutt Academy Charter teachers
“SECOND CLASS” teachers at a meeting Thursday, March 8, at 7 p.m. in the YOYO Center, 725 East Foster Road. Your participation is needed now to tell the School Board that all Orcutt teachers, including Charter teachers, should have the same employment rights!

Teachers please note that buttons may be worn at school, please do not discuss with students during pupil contact time.  Also, please join us on March 14th at 5:45 pm in the Orcutt Union School District parking lot before the 6:15 pm School Board Meeting.  OEA has prepared some signs, but feel free to make your own or contact Monique for supplies!  We need your support now more then ever!  Please feel free to contact Monique (714-9861) with any questions and/or concerns!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Negotiations Update

Talking points regarding Bargain 2/24/12
Your Negotiating Team met with the District bargaining team on Friday, Feb. 24, from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
·       They have offered 0% and a cap on benefits to the 2009-10 level.
·       They have not moved at all on their position regarding the employment rights of Charter Teachers.
·       We continue to make some progress in other areas under consideration.
The attorney for the District made it clear that the School Board does not want to offer the same protections for Charter Teachers that are enjoyed by other Teachers employed by the Orcutt Union School District. It is obvious that fairness and equality are not priorities for the School Board.

Monday, February 20, 2012

OEA Social

Please join your fellow teachers this Friday at 4 p.m. at the Orcutt Brewing Company (Loading Dock).  Appetizers will be provided, hopefully we will see you there!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Negotiations Update 1-27-2012

The clarification meeting held on Tuesday, January 17th between the OUSD Administration and the OEA Negotiations Representative Team was very positive and productive.  OEA did clarify two important points:

1.  OEA stands firm that all district certificated teachers will have equal employment rights under the California State Education Code specifically as it pertains to discipline, dismissal, rehire rights, and reduction in force.

2.  OEA recognizes that the contract should reflect the needs of flexibility for the uniqueness of the Charter K-12 School.

We will not be meeting on Monday, January 30th as previously planned.  Bob will be holding a Special Board Meeting (closed session) on Tuesday, January 31st.  By the end of next week I should have a report about our next steps in negotiations.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Negotiations Update

Part of your negotiations team will be meeting on Tuesday, January 17th to have a Clarification Session.  We will establish ground rules before we begin.  This is NOT a bargaining session and we will NOT be exchanging proposals.  CTA and the district Legal Counsel will not be present at this session.  We are then scheduled to meet at the Bargaining Table on Monday, January 30th.