Friday, January 27, 2012

Negotiations Update 1-27-2012

The clarification meeting held on Tuesday, January 17th between the OUSD Administration and the OEA Negotiations Representative Team was very positive and productive.  OEA did clarify two important points:

1.  OEA stands firm that all district certificated teachers will have equal employment rights under the California State Education Code specifically as it pertains to discipline, dismissal, rehire rights, and reduction in force.

2.  OEA recognizes that the contract should reflect the needs of flexibility for the uniqueness of the Charter K-12 School.

We will not be meeting on Monday, January 30th as previously planned.  Bob will be holding a Special Board Meeting (closed session) on Tuesday, January 31st.  By the end of next week I should have a report about our next steps in negotiations.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Negotiations Update

Part of your negotiations team will be meeting on Tuesday, January 17th to have a Clarification Session.  We will establish ground rules before we begin.  This is NOT a bargaining session and we will NOT be exchanging proposals.  CTA and the district Legal Counsel will not be present at this session.  We are then scheduled to meet at the Bargaining Table on Monday, January 30th.