Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Negotiations Update Oct 2nd


On October 2nd the Orcutt Educators Association began the negotiations process.  At that time the District proposed a 2% raise at the conclusion of negotiations and 11 years of outside experience accepted on the salary schedule.  The Association opened with an 11.5% raise and several improvements to the Stipend Salary Schedule (Appendix B3).  We concluded this session by agreeing to state that we were in ongoing negotiations and would meet again on October 8th.

Now 11.5% may seem like a lot!  However, please take note:

    1.  This is a starting point.
    2.  The District has received more than a $4 million dollar increase in revenues.
    3.  The District has allotted $2 million dollars to increase the reserve.

On October 8th the District countered with a 2% raise retroactive to July 1, 2015 and 10 years of outside experience accepted on the salary schedule.  The Association countered with a 10.5% raise and several improvements to the Stipend Salary Schedule (Appendix B3).  We concluded this session by agreeing to wait for the District to assess the proposed stipends and again agreed to state that we were in ongoing negotiations and would meet again on October 20th.

On October 20th the District countered with a 2.5% raise retroactive to July 1, 2015 and 10 years of outside experience accepted on the salary schedule.  The Association countered with a 10.5% raise and we modified and adjusted the Stipend Salary Schedule (Appendix B3). 

While we are not ruling out some increase in the number of years of outside experience accepted on the salary schedule, that does not solve the problem of an uncompetitive salary schedule.  The Association will also be bargaining Transfer/Reassignment, Class Size, and Working Days and Hours.  

It is very important to note that the District is receiving a significant amount of increases this year.  Your negotiations team has done their research and know that the District has the funding to make our members a priority.  The ability is there, but the willingness is not.  It is also important to recognize that currently teachers receive approximately 42% of the total funding of the District budget which is less than the many surrounding districts dedicate to their teacher's salary schedules. With the proposal from the District we would be receiving far less of the funding. Our teachers deserve a fair wage and in order to be competitive with surrounding districts the District needs to recognize that "While resources continue to be less than adequate, the District has worked to establish and maintain community partnerships, district facilities have been maintained or enhanced where possible, and the need to keep compensation competitive was recognized."  (Taken from our Local Control Accountability Plan).  This means that our own District recognizes that we need to create and maintain a competitive salary schedule.

On another note, it is interesting to share that the OUSD Administrator Salaries is 6.17% of the budget.  Lucia Mar is 5.91%, Santa Maria-Bonita is 5.02%, Goleta Union is 4.93%, and Guadalupe is 4.62%.

The Certificated Bargaining Unit Salaries in Orcutt is 42.01% of the budget.  Santa Maria-Bonita is 42.75%, Guadalupe is 43.77%, Lucia Mar is 44%, and Goleta Union is 49.12%. 

The Association does recognize that the District has incurred an additional expense to bolster STRS and the District has picked up the increase to our health benefits.  However, your Negotiating Team would like you to stand strong as we continue our efforts to represent each and every one of you during this negotiations process!  We hope we can count on your support!  We promise to keep you posted!  Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and/or concerns!

Monique L. Segura
President, Orcutt Educators Association