Aloha OEA Membership,
I met with the OUSD Cabinet late this afternoon and have a few items to update you on. Please know that this situation is fluid and is changing constantly and we need to keep track of our emails! First of all I want to confirm that OUSD is NOT requiring staff to report to Sites during this shut down and that is not the case in all Districts. Thankfully it is recognized that many of us have our own children at home and do not have childcare to keep our own families safe! Here is what we know today:
1. Staff works Monday/Tuesday with students present.
2. Wednesday is optional to be or not be on campus to prepare anything you choose to have for your students to be put online. By 3:30 pm on Wednesday all sites will be closed and non-accessible during shut down.
3. TOSA's have prepared packets/materials for students, but work is optional for students.
4. SPED deadlines are frozen during this shut down.
5. Although educators do not report to sites they must be reachable and available during the work day. In the event of an emergency meeting they should be able to attend (similar to being on paid administrative leave).
6. Educators should be checking their emails at least two times a day.
7. District will continue to feed children twice daily with pick up times and sites announced to families.
8. Yes, you will be paid.
9. Yes, you will be receiving STRS service credit.
10. Yes, your health benefits are in place (MD LIVE is $0 copay starting today).
11. Yes, Spring Break is still the same.
12. No, you do not need to make up days in the summer (this type of thing would need to be negotiated and OEA would not approve of this).
Once again, please know that I am working hard to get the information to Executive Board first and then out to membership as it comes to me. I am happy to be available for questions/concerns during the weekend. Susan Salucci and I have been in close contact and communicating on a regular basis! Please stay safe and know how much you are all appreciated!
Monique L. Segura
President, Orcutt Educators Association