Welcome Back to a new School Year! Your negotiations team would like to bring you up to speed on a couple of items:
1. In May of 2015 the School Board approved the hiring of two teachers new to our School District with their full years of service from their previous employer. One teacher gained 9 years of credit and another teacher gained 15 years of credit. Before this went to the School Board for approval the association brought it to the District's attention because this is a direct violation of the OEA Collective Bargaining Agreement. The District claimed this was past practice and approved the hires. The Association does not see this as past practice because past practice means both parties are aware of the practice and agree to the practice. The Association was not aware of the District's past practice nor does the Association agree with a violation to our Collective Bargaining Agreement for any members or soon to be members of the Association. The Association filed a level I grievance in June of 2015 and the District denied the grievance. The Association filed a level II grievance in late June of 2015 and the District denied the grievance. The Association and/or the District can request mediation before going to the Level III grievance and that is what we have done. The Negotiations Team along with our Grievance Chair will be at mediation on September 16th in an attempt to resolve this issue. The Association has also simultaneously filed an unfair labor practice with the Public Employees Relation Board. The Association took this measure because at this point we do not have binding arbitration. Without binding arbitration the level III grievance would be determined by the School Board and not an impartial party.
2. Negotiations begin on October 2 at the CTA office. The District has requested to have the district lawyer present at the table this year, therefore OEA will have our CTA representative present at the table as well. The Articles that the Associationhas submitted to open are:
Article IV - Grievance Procedure (Binding Arbitration)
Article V - Transfers and Reassignment
Article VIII - Class Size
Article IX - Working Days and Hours
Article X - Compensation.
The Articles that the District has submitted to open are:
Article II - Term (Multi-year agreement)
Article V - Transfer and Reassignment (Address issues related to transfers and reassignment
Article VIII - Class Size (Address issues related to LCFF)
Article IX - Working Days and Hours (Provide additional flexibility for scheduling within the district)
Article X - Compensation (Address issues related to compensation and increased health benefits cost)
As a reminder we have already settled on Health Benefits and that is considered by the School District part of our Compensation package.
We will keep all of our members posted as we proceed on both the mediation process and the negotiation process. We appreciate your support and we welcome any comments and/or questions you have for your team! For a list of our Negotiations Team members please see the left hand side of our website and look at Team OEA. Please enjoy your 3-day weekend!
Monique L. Segura
President, Orcutt Educators Association
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