Friday, November 18, 2011

Updates 11/18/11

1. If anyone is interested in applying for a Teacher's Lounge Makeover worth $7500 I am giving you the website to apply... This offer is through California Casualty Insurance.
2. By now you should have received your CTA calendar, CTA benefits folders, and CTA membership cards from your Site Rep. Please let me know if you did not receive a card or if there is an error with your personal information. Just a reminder that many businesses have discounts for teachers and your CTA card can be your proof of profession.
3. Soon I will have 2010-2011 OEA Contracts available at your the mean time our contract can be found on our website at Thank you Paul Cleveland for all your continued hard work on this website!
4. Please see the attached OEA Scholarship form if you are interested in attending a conference this school year. In order to apply for the $100 OEA Scholarship fill out the form, get a signature from your Site Rep. and send it to Roberta Hough (OEA Treasurer) at Pine Grove.
5. If you are noticing a Safety Issue at your site please fill out a safety form (attached) and present it to your Site Supervisor so that a work order can be filled out or the issue can be addressed. This protocol was discussed at our Safety Committee meeting last week.
6. Please send an email to Bobette Mussell ( if there is a member at your site who needs attention from the OEA Social Committee. Bobette is our Social Chair and is happy to send a card, flowers, etc. on behalf of OEA.
7. I have attached your TEAM OEA so that you are aware of your Executive Board, Negotiation Team, Grievance Chair, Social Chair, and Site Reps. We are so lucky to have so many members involved.
Please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns...I am happy to help you in any way I can!

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